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Tips for Turns

Use your center! think about your lower abs contracting so you can still breathe.

Think - long neck like a giraffe, elongating the neck helps to pull everything in aliniament and relax the shoulders down.

Keep your body stacked, like building blocks. I tell my dancers to push their belly button to their backbone. This braces and straightens the back. Make sure not to tuck under your pelvis, which will take you out of alignment.

Turns go one direction: UP! Concentrate on pulling up and keeping the body in proper form. Make sure you don’t pull your shoulders up. Keep your neck long and shoulders pushed down in a connection with the center.

Keep your supporting leg tall, push into the floor. In opposition, pull up with the rest of the body. Keep your supporting leg straight, and use your toes for balance.

Keep our weight over your toe big toes, if you rock out onto your little toes you will fall out of your turn.

Keep you arms strong. Close to first position quickly, and hold your arms out. Don’t let your arms collapse into your chest as you turn. Let your back round with your arms, and keep your shoulder blades flat. Visualize holding a beach ball in your arms.



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